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In this remarkable story collection, As Breaks the Wave Upon the Sea, Robert Wallace leads us deftly, assuredly but with utmost sensitivity and understanding. His narrators, many of them female, very young to very old, show strength and self-awareness both believable and extraordinary. Wallace shows them precocious, insightful and yet human, with frailties and blind spots. These beautifully-drawn characters inform us, and leave us better, more sensitive and more understanding, than before we met them. ~Gregg Cusick, author of My Father Moves Through Time Like a Dirigible



For the characters in these stories, loss is a jumping-off point. The question is, what comes next—into what new worlds will loss lead? This is rich territory, and Robert Wallace mines it with skill and imagination. His characters pulse with life; his settings are vividly drawn—North Carolina, Michigan, pandemic-era New York, where the streets are empty and “the air simply smells like air.” This is transporting work by a gifted storyteller. ~Kim Church, author of Byrd

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